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  • EUThe Presidency (EU)

Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Venizelos addresses the EP plenary

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, representing the Council of the European Union addresses today (5.2.2014) the European Parliament Plenary session in Strasbourg, regarding the following issues: Europe's role in the Central African Republic, the Syrian refugees arriving at the Bulgarian borders, the EU-Russia summit and the recent incident at Farmakonisi island.

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Good News for SMEs: Presidency secures agreement on the Regulation creating a European Account Preservation Order

In the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER II) the Member States approved, on 5 February, the compromise text regarding the Proposal of the Regulation creating a European Account Preservation Order. This allows for a first reading agreement, after the formal voting in the European Parliament and the Council.

  • COMPETCompetitiveness (COMPET)

Coreper agreement on protection of satellites and space infrastructures

The Committee of Permanent Representatives today (5.2.2014) endorsed an agreement between the Greek Presidency of the Council and European Parliament representatives with a view to establishing a European surveillance and tracking service (SST) aimed at enhancing the security of space infrastructures and the safety of satellite operations.

The SST support framework will be complementary to related activities carried out under Union programmes such as ‘Horizon 2020’, ‘Copernicus’ and

  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Coreper agrees on list of non-EU countries exempt from the visa requirement

Coreper approved, on behalf of the Council, a compromise reached with the European Parliament on a regulation amending Council Regulation 539/2001
  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

A major step forward in protecting EU trade interests

The EU shall soon possess the mechanism to take measures against third countries that violate obligations stemming from international multi- and bilateral trade agreements of which the EU is a signatory.

  • EPSCOEmployment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)

Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare to deliver an opening keynote speech at the ESF Launch Conference (Brussels, 6.2.2014)

Greek Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Ioannis Vroutsis together with László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, will open a conference for the new programming period 2014-2020 of the European Social Fund (ESF), which will take place on 6-7 February 2014 in Brussels.
  • JHAJustice & Home Affairs (JHA)

Greek Presidency reaches political agreement on amending Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 ("Brussels I Regulation")

In the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER II) the Member States confirmed on February 5 the political agreement reached by the Greek EU Council Presidency in negotiations with the European Parliament on a Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.
